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Welcome to AFSCME Retiree Chapter 61. Here you can find contact information, upcoming meetings, and a printable membership form!

AFSCME Retiree Chapter 61 Contact Information:

Email: (Mary Cannon-James, President) 

Address: 4320 NW 2nd Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50313

Phone: (928) 208-8167

Upcoming Events:

Member Benefits:

Click here to view the great benefits available to members of AFSCME Retiree Chapter 61!

Officers and Executive Board Members

Vice PresidentDanny
SecretaryBarb Post-Althaus 
TreasurerCurt H. Moore 
District VPLynne 
District VPAl 
District VPMike McCarthy 
District VPJanet

10 Good Reasons to Join AFSCME Retiree Chapter 61:

  1. Threats to Our Retirement Security.
    In state and local governments across the country, efforts are underway to cut government responsibility for public pensions and retiree health care. Protecting our benefits is the #1 reason for sticking together in the AFSCME Iowa Retirees. Our strength is your security.
  2. Affiliation with AFSCME.
    AFSCME – the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO – is the nation’s leading public-sector union with a membership of 1.6 million. Nearly a quarter million are members of AFSCME Retirees – the largest organization of public retirees in the U.S.A. No organization has more experience fighting and winning for retired public employees.
  3. Strength in Numbers.
    In Iowa, AFSCME counts thousands of working and retiree members. The bigger we are, the stronger we are.
  4. Power to Win.
    Alone, each of us is powerless. But when public retirees join together, we have clout with lawmakers and retirement systems. The result is clear: dependable pensions; comprehensive health care benefits; and a strong Medicare program.
  5. Support from the Working Members.
    The AFSCME Retiree Chapter 61 has the full support of the working members of AFSCME Council 61 who share our concerns about retirement security. They provide us office space, staff assistance and help us protect our retirement security.
  6. A National Network of Retiree Chapters.
    AFSCME Retirees has chapters across the country that share information on public-sector benefits and work together on federal issues, such as Medicare and Social Security. Only a national organization has the ability to lobby U.S. Senators and Representatives on critical bills in Congress.
  7. Local Retiree Meetings.
    AFSCME Retiree Chapter 61 holds meetings where members can socialize and get the latest updates on benefits and other topics of interest. They also sponsor educational conferences and special events.
  8. Info on Retirement Issues.
    Members receive subscriptions to several informative publications: the national AFSCME WORKS magazine; PrimeTIME, AFSCME’s national retiree bulletin; and AFSCME Retiree Chapter 61 updates.
  9. An Experienced Staff.
    No other organization has more expertise on public-sector issues than AFSCME. The staff includes budget analysts, labor economists, lawyers, and professional lobbyists – all helping us protect and improve our retirement benefits.
  10. Members-Only Benefits.
    Members of the AFSCME Iowa Retirees are eligible for the benefits of our AFSCME Advantage program, which serves many of their consumer needs. Benefits include a low-rate MasterCard; theme park and car rental discounts; a pet services plan; legal services discounts and many more.